
08 January 2016

Brotherhood Synagogue, Shabbaton

January 8-9, 2016

Shabbaton with Dr. Samuel Torjman Thomas: The Andalusian Persuasion

Friday Night (6:30pm)

Narratives surrounding the Golden Age of Spain emphasize a spirit of convivencia, or coexistence, pervasive in this medieval cosmopolitan society dominated by members of the three Abrahamic faiths—Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Thomas discusses key historical figures and ideas contributing to this Andalusian Persuasion, highlighting areas of common ground in philosophy, poetry, theology, and music.

Saturday Morning

Experience Shabbat morning services with melodies and ḥazzanut according to the Moroccan liturgical rites. Led by Cantor Mike Weiss and Samuel Torjman Thomas.

Saturday Evening (8:00pm)

Samuel Torjman Thomas, with members of ASEFA and the NY Andalus Ensemble, will present a concert traversing a wide-ranging repertoire drawing upon several different Sephardi-Mizraḥi traditions. In this intimate, small music ensemble setting, where acoustic instruments and song lyrics shine in multiple languages (Hebrew, Arabic, & Ladino), the soundscape of a sacred-secular embrace comes to life.



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